Featured Article: 10 foods That cause Bloating

Do you feel bloated after eating? Bloating can be uncomfortable and makes it hard to concentrate or enjoy life. To help prevent bloating, it's important to understand which foods can trigger this feeling. In this blog post, we'll look at 10 common culprits that may cause your belly to puff out and offer advice on what to eat instead.


What is Bloating and What Causes it?

Bloating is a common condition where your belly feels full and tight, often due to gas in the gastrointestinal tract. This discomfort can be accompanied by swelling or an increase in the diameter of the abdominal area [1]

Several factors can trigger bloating, including overeating, consuming gas-producing foods like beans or carbonated drinks, constipation, hormonal changes, and certain gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Moreover, habits like eating too quickly, drinking from a straw, or chewing gum can cause you to swallow air, which can contribute to bloating as well.


What are the Foods that Cause Bloating?


1.     Carbonated Beverages

Carbonated beverages contain carbon dioxide gas which is released in the form of bubbles when introduced to an acidic environment, such as stomach acid. This gas can cause bloating by trapping air in the stomach and intestinal tract, leading to abdominal discomfort [2]. In addition, many carbonated beverages also contain sugar or artificial sweeteners, which can contribute to excess gas production in the intestines. 

Drinking too much carbonated beverages can also cause dehydration due to their diuretic effects. This can lead to a decrease in intestinal motility and further bloating caused by a build-up of gases like hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide.


2.     Beer

Do you get bloated after drinking a beer? It's not uncommon. Beer, along with many other carbonated drinks, can cause bloating due to the excess gas that's created when it meets your stomach acid. But there are also other factors that play a role in how much bloating you experience after drinking beer:

The type of beer you drink: Darker beers, such as stout and porter, tend to contain more gas than lighter lagers and ales. 

Your body's ability to digest the sugars in beer: If your body doesn't have enough enzymes or acids to break down the sugars in beer, it will remain in your stomach, producing gas and bloating. 

How much beer you drink: Drinking too much beer in one sitting can cause your stomach to become overfilled, creating more pressure and leading to an increase in bloating.


3.     Beans

Beans contain complex carbohydrates that our bodies have difficulty digesting and breaking down in the digestive tract. This leads to gas production as bacteria work to break down these complex carbohydrates into simpler sugars that can be digested. These gases can cause abdominal bloating, diarrhea, discomfort, and flatulence in some people [3].

In addition, some people have an intolerance to certain types of beans that lead to bloating. This is due to a deficiency in an enzyme called alpha-galactosidase, which breaks down the oligosaccharides in beans. 

The best way to avoid bloating caused by beans is to slowly introduce them into your diet and limit your intake of certain types of beans if they make you feel bloated.


4.     Onions

Onions contain a type of sugar called fructose, which can be difficult for the body to break down. This means that when you eat onions, it can take longer for your digestive system to process them than other foods. As your body works hard to digest these sugary compounds, it can cause bloating in some people [4].

Furthermore, onions contain a group of sulfur compounds called thiosulfinates which are believed to be responsible for the familiar odour and taste we associate with them. These compounds are known to cause flatulence in some people, leading to even more bloating.


5.     Dairy Products

As a food group, dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and sour cream can be very nutritious. They provide essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins that are important to healthy diets. Dairy products contain lactose, a type of sugar that is broken down by an enzyme called lactase. 

People who are lactose intolerant cannot produce lactase leading to indigestion of lactose which can lead to bloating and abdominal pain. If you’re prone to bloating after eating dairy products, then maybe you should avoid eating dairy or look for a healthier substitute.


6.     Barley and Rye (Gluten)

Barley and rye can cause bloating due to the presence of gluten, a type of protein that some people struggle to digest. In individuals with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, consuming these grains can cause an inflammatory response in the small intestine, leading to symptoms such as bloating, gas, and discomfort [5].

Furthermore, barley and rye are high in fructans, a type of carbohydrate that can be hard to break down for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or similar digestive conditions.


7.     Garlic

Garlic, a widely used culinary ingredient, may cause bloating in certain individuals. This is due to its high content of fructans, a type of carbohydrate. When consumed, fructans reach the large intestine largely undigested.

Here, they serve as food for gut bacteria, which ferment the fructans. This fermentation process produces gas, leading to symptoms such as bloating, stomach discomfort, and belching [6].


8.     Legumes

Legumes, such as beans, lentils, peas, and soybeans, contain high amounts of protein and carbohydrates, along with fiber. This combination can cause gas to form in the GI tract, which can lead to bloating. Moreover, legumes contain a type of sugar called alpha-galactoside, which belongs to a group of carbs called FODMAPs. The bacteria in the gut can't digest these sugars so they ferment, causing gas and bloating.


9.     Apples

An apple a day, keeps the doctor away? Well, eating large amounts of apples can lead to bloating which can make you take a trip to the doctor.

Apples are rich in fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, and fructose. Both fructose and fiber can start fermentation in your gut and lead to the production of gases and ultimately cause bloating [7].


10.  Processed and high-fat foods

Processed foods often contain high amounts of sodium, and excessive sodium intake can cause the body to retain water. This water retention can result in bloating. Similarly, High-fat foods slow down the stomach's processing time and delay stomach emptying, which can lead to a feeling of being bloated.



In conclusion, feeling bloated can be very uncomfortable and it’s important to know what foods can trigger it. Identifying the common culprits such as carbonated beverages, beer, beans, onions, dairy products, barley and rye, garlic, legumes, apples, and specially processed or high-fat foods is a great first step in avoiding bloating or finding relief.

Preventing bloating is always the best way to go, but, in case you need to deal with ongoing bloating and gut related issues, then, Rucir provides probiotics and enzymes to help you manage your guy/digestive health.



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